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About the Project


Bungama Solar is an approved 280 MW (AC) utility scale solar photovoltaic and battery storage plant to integrate into the National Electricity Market through a 275 kV connection to ElectraNet’s Bungama Substation in South Australia. 


Bungama Solar will meet approximately 1% of the Federal Government objective to achieve an additional 33 GW of electricity from renewable sources by 2020 under the Renewable Energy Target.


Bungama Solar will have a minor and temporal physical disturbance footprint. Co-agricultural opportunities such as sheep grazing and apiculture will be assessed for co-existence and the land can be returned to its original condition, with infrastructure removed at the end of the Project’s 30 year life. 




Bungama Solar is to be developed on approximately 530 hectares of cleared land in the suburbs of Bungama, Napperby and Warnertown, South Australia.


The Project Area is situated approximately 6 kilometres east of Port Pirie and 220 kilometres north of Adelaide. The project is within the Local Government Area of Port Pirie Regional Council.


Energy From The Sun

The DC electricity that is created by sun (1) through the PV cells is fed through cables (2) to a series of invertors (3) where the electricity is converted to AC and increased in voltage (4).


The invertors are connected through underground cables to a switching yard and by overhead transmission lines to the Bungama Substation for connection to the South Australian electrical grid.


Battery storage is part of Bungama Solar and will provide additional power system security for the South Australian grid.


Development and Design of Bungama Solar


Bungama Solar will create energy from the sunlight via photovoltaic (PV) cells most likely to be mounted on sun tracking systems.


Drone surveys of the site provide detailed site information that is used to design the Project.


Tracking solar panel systems follow the sun’s movement throughout the day for maximum collection. At the end of the day the panels track back to the east ready for the next operation.

Development Process

The project was on public exhibition from 31/01/2019 – 01/03/2019. 


The project Connection Application through ElectraNet for connection to the South Australian electricity grid is progressing.


The Bungama Solar project was granted development approval in mid-2019. A variation was approved in 2023, to support the BESS-leading strategy. 


Please click on the below link if you would like to read more about the approval on the SCAP website:


Social and Environmental

Bungama Solar’s direct and indirect positive socio-economic impacts include:


  • Engaging South Australian consultants to undertake the studies/investigations required for the Development Application process and solar design including geotechnical, cultural heritage, ecological and topographical studies/investigations. 

  • The construction phase will generate approximately 275 full time equivalent jobs.

  • During construction the Engineering Procurement and Construction Contractor will include a component from the local and regional workforce.

  • The operation phase will generate approximately 8 full time equivalent jobs.

  • The goods and services required during the construction and operation phase will generate indirect employment and economic multiplier effects for the region.

  • The Project will also directly contribute to the local community through a Community Fund.


Community Engagement

Bungama Solar is committed to a genuine community and stakeholder engagement process. As part of this process, Bungama Solar is seeking a cooperative approach with the local community, key stakeholders and the Council to inform them about the project and to identify opportunities for local engagement and employment during construction and operation.

Two rounds of Community Information Sessions have been held for the Project. One is May 2018, and another in February 2019. Bungama Solar wishes to extend a sincere thank you to all who attended the Community Information Sessions. The feedback received over the course of the sessions is invaluable to the project.

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